Important developments about Maria and the PA-12

Sen. Collett Announces Nearly $940,000 in Grants to Improve Traffic Safety in Bucks, Montco
“These grants will go a long way towards improving vehicle and pedestrian safety at some of the busiest intersections in my district,” said Senator Collett.

Pa. to allocate $6.5M in federal relief to support, retain nursing industry
"When good nurses leave the workforce, the quality of patient care goes down," Sen. Maria Collett, D-Montgomery, said Tuesday.

Willow Grove Turnpike Interchange Gets $1.65 Million For Upgrades
The grant money given to the municipalities will be used to improve roadways, pedestrian safety and flood mitigation in Collett's senatorial district, according to the Senator's office.
“The right to vote and participate in our democracy is at the very core of what it means to be an American."

“After nearly 50 years of legal precedent, we are seeing nothing less than a rollback of our fundamental rights to bodily autonomy."
“I for one will not kowtow to hate and fear-mongering extremists who want nothing more than to divide us and who are using some of Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens, LGBTQ children, as pawns.”